I had to get the PDI out of my system, so I worked way to long on this 5x7" mini, to show for my stay. I finished it this morning... this is not the FINAL piece but good enough.
I am posting a bit prematurely today, as I did another hour long 20 minute drive to the south end of the park. With excellent wifi, I just could not pass up a chance.
I have it in my head I MAY actually do a real live landscape. The badlands call me but they are like a movie, that is not a single still shot. You cannot do it justice without the addition of the taime and motion that being here adds!
I will update it when I decide whether or not to stop by tonight and check in up north.
I actually feel like I own it. The Park is becoming my personal domain. I am trying to memorize every mile of the 28 and a couple of loops. When people keep telling me to go walk, I have managed over two weeks and am not NEARLY full of what I see pulling over at the designated stops! Nothing but wonder.
I had another set of visitors last night. Their conversation from the casita next door actually was what woke me. I saw them load suitcases and talk on the phone. I swear, they did not look happy. How could anyone not be so sad to leave a place like this! Either tears of sadness or joy, but not just the usual pack and move on.... I have no idea how I will leave....
It is a bit too big, but I got a PEFO long sleeved shirt.
Thingy was unimpressed...
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