This was such an unexpected adventure!
I knew I was happy to help out with the Holbrook Route 66 festivities, and was invited to do this amazing trip called the "Relics Tour" in conjunction.
I think I was hoping for more history of the Park, and when I realized what a truly devoted following the road had, it got even more exciting!
So, before we all got on the bus in Adamana, he asked us all to relate our connection to the road. Of course I had a few. 1. a MAJOR crush on George Maharas growing up from the tv show, 2. the boyfriend has a 62 red 'vette and 3. my recent 66 years on 66 adventure, which if you missed in the blog, keep scrolling down to day 18 in the park.
We had a great bus driver and two of the park folk, Jake who I knew from the first round whose job was pretty much taking great photos and getting people excited about coming here, and Bill the park Archaeologist! Between Bill and Jack, no question went unanswered!
So, on the bus we go to the first few stops, which were on private lands and all told interesting tales of entrepreneurial adventures, heartbreak, the growth and development of transportation in the US and some pretty strong armed tactics that created both the freeway and National Park system of today!
I am posting from cell photos as the camera reader was forgotten this trip. Good pix may follow, but the tale is here to tell.
First photo from Painted Desert Point Trading Post.
It was pretty early in the day and the views north and south were actually pretty spectacular. The narrow area from which you could view both the White Mountains and Painted Desert did make it a great spot. It had been there on the main travel route across the country beginning with the Whipple expedition (I was writing notes on a bus, so forgive me if I got them askew) in the early 1800's then experiments with wagons and camels, a stage-line route from Defiance to Prescott to the first major "road" the Old Trails Highway which preceded 66 which came in 1926! Or that is what I seem to have written in the margins of what initially looked like a boring little hand-out that turned into a PHENOMENAL wealth of info, supported by the tales of Jack and Bill. This trading post that was a shell station on 66 suffered mental illness, murder potential illicit booze and gambling! But now is just a pile of debris.
We bused back to our cars and drove into the Visitor Center Parking Lot for a foot tour of the roadbed in the park.
We found some choice stuff and he gave us perspective on how carefully we all should think of "trash"
In the middle of nowhere, we found the parts of the foundation of the Painted Desert Tower.

It was an intricate dance of areas of influence and who and how to take care of her. Finally we drove her in the cool bus to meet paramedics at the park entry who assessed her well enough to continue the tour... BUT NO MORE HIKING!
We picked up where we were headed and had lunch at PDI they gave us all big fat sandwiches and an apple (to stay healthy)
Inside the Harvey Girls were showing off the crockery from the various venues. REALLY interesting.
And along with my sandwich, we got a scoop of the ice ream downstairs!
ON the road again and was feeling smug that I had found that patch of road (the day BEFORE my 66 trip) and realized we were heading there.
WOW. This was just fun. HORRIBLE road, bouncing the whole way, grass growning between the paths! THIS was not for a Corvette with the top down, it was for an off-road vehicle..or a wagon train?!

We were allowed to go on to Navajo land with their permission to see two HOLY GRAILS of 66 fans! The Dead Wash Bridge and (drum roll) PAINTED DESERT TRADING POST. I admit I was not aware of these, but the bus was literally twittering (or what ever the masculine equivalent was) and the road was so horrible it was just like a fun ride!
Dead Wash was a stark and amazing place littered with rusted car carcasses!
The Trading Post was a seriously sad echo of its old glory.
Here is the snapshot from the good old days
We swarmed it, under the careful supervision of our guys in flat wide hats:
Here is the new AiR taking photos on her iPad!
TRULY exhausted and have a busier (let's hope not) day tomorrow in the square in Holbrook.
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