I have been stuck in my house for the last couple of months, looking at my photos and tweaking my presentations for art groups in Phoenix Area.
I did a nice presentation for the Teme Artists League in September and I will be showing for the Mavericks group of quilters and fabric artists this month. There have been some amazing fiber artists who were AIR in the Park!
Recently, the amazing Rebecca Mezoff did some truly stunning work! and Bill Meed and Denny Peterson were recent quilt artists as well. I am hoping to let them know that the program welcomes ANY artist that needs, can profit from and give something back from the opportunity
So that proceeds. I am going to present in Mesa in November and Peoria in January. They are great fun and I get to meet old friends as I have been a member of many of these groups during my life!
I am close to giving up on landscape.
I tried another of my super strong images that evoked so much emotion to ME from my loads of pictures in the park.
I tried a tonalist style on it and was defeated at every turn....
Here is the work as it progressed and pretty well stopped.
Sketched in, I was trying to get the curve of the road and echos of the wonderful wind blown falling sky in the distance... Lots of impending rain and at that time of the year, very little wet!
Final version....well, lets stay, where I stopped.
It was actually supposed to be about the lines in the road and tail lights, but I settled for the tail lights...
My little casita is just over the rise, across the road from the Painted Desert Inn. When I was AiR, there was so little weather, but for the constant breezes, I have hundreds of photos of clouds.
It is a good thing to do in 100° Phoenix weather, to reminisce about the cooler days...